
Signs Someone Islamic Goodness

But remind, for indeed useful warning
for those who believe. [Sura: Adh-Dzaariyat: 55]
Therefore do thou give admonition, for you are one
warning. [Surah: Al-Ghasyiyah: 21]

From Abu Hurairah, he said that the Messenger shallallhu 'alaihi wa sallam has said:

"Including the goodness of one's Islam is to leave what is not important to him."

(H.R.Tirmidzi and others)

Imam Nawawi rahimahullah states in the book that this hadith Al Arba'in derajatnyahasan. Sheikh Salim Al-Hilali said in the book "Sahih Al Adzkar wa Dhaifuhu" hadith inishahih lighairihi ... conclusion is true hadith of the Prophet shallallhu 'alaihi wa sallam.

Imam Ibn Rajab rahimahullah (d. 795 H) said:

"This hadith is a very noble foundation of the foundations of civilized".

He also said also about the meaning of this hadeeth:

"Surely anyone who either become Muslim, he would have left the words and actions that are not important to him, his words and actions are limited in terms of what was important to him." (Jami'ul Uloom wal Hikam)

The standard is important here not according to the taste or the ratio we are not free from the influence of passion, but by the guidance of Islamic law.

Including leaving word and deed that is not important is to leave things haram, or vague, or something makruh, excessive even in cases were permissible even if not required, including the category of things that are not important.

Imam Ibn Rajab rahimahullah said also:

"Most of the opinion that there are intentions to leave what is not important is to maintain oral speech is useless as mentioned by Allah:" It is an utter single words, unless there are angels watching him and taking notes. "(Surah Qaf: 18)

Umar bin Abdul Aziz rahimahullah said:

"Those who compare between words and deeds, he would talk less, except in matters that are important '."

Imam Nawawi rahimahullah says in the book Al Adzkar:

"Remember that every mukallaf (Muslims) are required to keep his tongue from all speech, except that it contains serious benefits. If the same maslahatnya, whether he was talking or silent, it is sunnah to hold it, because the words are permissible may lead eventually to the haram or makruh, and this is often the case in general, but look for salvation is without parallel. "

This means looking for safety it is very important.

Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim rahimahullah Jauziyyah (d. 751 H) said:

"Maintaining oral is not to get someone to say the words in vain, when he said there ought to say to expect him to her advantage and benefit for the deen (religion) it.

When he would talk let his thoughts, whether in words he would remove the benefits and advantages there or not? If it is not helpful let him be silent, when it let him think about it, is there any words that are more useful or not? So he did not waste his time with the first. "(Quoted from the book of Ad Da'u wad Dawa ')

Furthermore, he also said in the same book:

"It is very surprising that the man is very easy to avoid eating the forbidden item, do injustice, adultery, stealing, drinking, looking at the views that are forbidden, and so forth, but it is difficult to maintain oral motion, to the extent that a person who is considered as a religious scholar, ascetic, fond of worship, but he speaks with a speech that made him the wrath of God, because he thought his speech was a suspect without causing it to fall into hell jahannam farther the distance between the east and west.

How many such people that you see in terms of wara ', leaving an abomination and kezhaliman, but his verbal to and fro diumbar dishonor the people who lived and who died, regardless of the result of the spoken word. "

Threats mentioned above comes from shallallhu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam:

"Truly a man of words, he did not think of (whether good or bad) in it, then he slipped because the words to the fire of hell as far as the east and west." (Muttafaq Alaihi)

Last in closing let us consider the advice of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al Uthaymeen Hafizhahullah summarized from his Sharh Riyadhus Righteous:

"A good Muslim if he wants to become Muslim, then let he left nothing that is not important to him. Example: If you are confused about the practice, whether you do or not? Look at the deeds that are important to you in terms of deen and the world or not important?

If it is important then do it, if not then leave, because of the safety it should be preferred.

That is, thou shalt not interfere with other people's business, if you do not have any interest to him, not as practiced by most people today in the form of curiosity about other people's affairs, if there are two people who were talking, then you go both wanted to know what was said by both of them, or sometimes sent others to listen.

Another example, if you meet with other people, you ask him, "where are you?", "What the say so and so to you?", "What do you say to him?", And so forth of the cases that not important, and not do good, he even wasting time, make the heart restless and distracting and wasting most of the important matters and helpful.

You get a dynamic, active in charity, had the full attention of the good of themselves and of things that benefit him, then you get him as productive.

So in conclusion, if you want to do or leave a job, pay attention! Is it important to you or not? If it is not important, then leave. If important, then do it according to their priority.

That humans are intelligent, he is very attentive with good deeds as preparation for death, and he always menginstropeksi up to his deeds over the years. May God give us all taufiq. "

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