
Blessed necklace

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One day, a fakir came to the Prophet's Mosque. There, the prophet of Allah was sitting with his friends. He and his friends did not have any to give him. Therefore the prophet says: "Go to the house of Fatima Azzahra (my daughter)."

So the man went home knocked Fatima Azzahra. Fatima opened the door, and asked what the need.

Azzahra Fatima did not have anything at the time, except for the necklace she wore around her neck. He also gave the necklace.

The poor man took it, and went away and prayed for him.

On the road, Ammar bin Yasir met the man's premises. He knew that the necklace belonged to the prophet's daughter Fatima Azzahra. Ammar ibn Yasir bought the necklace and give enough money for the purposes of the poor. Then Ammar ordered his slaves to deliver the necklace to Fatima Azzahra in return he would be released.

Arriving home Azzahra Fatima, the slave said: "It is blessed necklace. Him a poor man be satisfied and their needs are met, and therefore also a freed slave, and the necklace was returned to its owner. "

[of the history]

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