
Philosophy in Life A Muslim Prayer

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Explicitly, we realize that Allah is the Lord of everything. However, implicitly, often contradictory attitudes and behaviors behind. We underestimate the fact that by neglecting to pray, ask God. Think of it does not really matter. Not really take the time to pray.Even sometimes, even in difficult circumstances we only needed prayer. We also did not show faith pray hard to learn.
This is actually the form of pride which we buried in our subconscious (unconsciousness). Certainly never conceived in us to emulate let alone challenge the authority of God. However, by never asking, by simply requesting necessary, by not asking for help, we actually showed a hostile attitude. Not trying to reprove sapa Allah, the Almighty.
Our prayers had been answered or not, to be considered are the following.First, God is omniscient over all the affairs of the foregoing, the present and the future. God also knows best what is best and worst for us. Allah knows best what is visible and hidden to us. God knows better than ourselves. "Verily, Allah is aware of all things," the word of God who are scattered in several letters in the Qur `an.
Secondly, therefore, we must strengthen husnuzhan attitude to God about the results of our prayers. Granted or not granted, God is omniscient is best for us. Here, we have to control the passions to not follow 100 percent feeling that we know what is best for ourselves.
Third, we request the granting of a thing could apply in this world and in the hereafter. Perhaps, our prayers are not answered in the world, but was replaced by Allah in the hereafter if we have prayer with sincerity.
Fourth, a measure to determine whether our prayers are answered or not remains the power of God. However, we should still pray to Him without end. Our view of our own affairs may be wrong, may be right. It is relative. Instead, God's knowledge of us is absolutely correct.Consider the following paragraph.
"Perhaps you hate something, but he was very good to you, and may be (too) ye dislike a thing, and he is very bad for you; Allah knows, while you know not." (Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: 216)
Thus the explanation given by Ibn Komarudin Mikam in his book "Prayers Increasing Your Career". QultumMedia publications provide a means for us to say a prayer to God is good and right. Not forgetting, of course, also to be granted so that all the hunger and needs implemented immediately.

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