
1st Motorised Infantry Battalion Combat Ready

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Infantry soldiers charging out of a Terrex ICV. (photo : Cyberpioneer)

Infantry soldiers often trek tens of kilometres to reach their target or objective, are exposed to artillery fire along the way, and attack the objective with just the lightweight weapons they carry in their hands.

Now they have another option.

The introduction of the Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicle (ICV) into the Army in September 2009 has revolutionised the way the infantry operates. Since then, the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) has been training its soldiers to operate on the new Terrex platform which gives them more mobility, firepower, protection and networked capabilities.

Such capabilities of an infantry on wheels were demonstrated on 31 May, as part of a parade which marked the operationalisation of 2nd Battalion, Singapore Infantry Regiment (2 SIR) as the Army's first motorised infantry battalion. The battalion had taken delivery of the Terrex in July 2010.

At the demonstration held at the Murai Urban Training Facility, fighter jets and Leopard Main Battle Tanks simulated long-range fires on enemy forces in a built-up area, before a Trailblazer mine-clearing vehicle was called in to clear the path of mines.

Then came the Terrex ICVs, from which infantry soldiers charged out of to close in on enemy forces in the buildings.

Having witnessed the demonstration, Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen remarked that the parade was a major milestone in the transformation of the infantry into a key component of the 3rd Generation networked SAF.

He said: "The strength of the 3rd Generation SAF lies not just in its individual pieces of hardware, but its ability to network an array of systems and capabilities."

Commenting that the Terrex ICV links to other mechanised platforms from the Armour, Artillery and Engineer formations that share a common network, Dr Ng said: "Such a network allows the SAF to create an overall fighting system that is flexible and more responsive to the complex demands of the modern battlefield.

From left: 1WO Yeo, LTC Goh and 2LT Tarmidzie are proud to be part of the first motorised infantry battalion. (photo : Cyberpioneer)
"On how the Terrex ICV serves as an asset to infantry troops, Commanding Officer of 2 SIR, Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Nick Goh, said that the new platform adds more than just mobility to the troopers.

"As the Terrex is equipped with the Battlefield Management System (BMS) which connects it to other land and air platforms, and our soldiers are equipped with the Advanced Combat Man System (ACMS), our troops are well-connected, have better situational awareness, and can call on the firepower of other assets in the SAF to support their mission."

Regimental Sergeant Major of 2 SIR, 1st Warrant Officer (1WO) Yeo Keng Hua, an infantry soldier for 21 years, added: "In the past, infantry soldiers could only attack the enemy with the weapons they carried, but the Terrex offers a whole suite of more powerful weapon systems that are more effective." The Terrex can be configured with General Purpose Machine Guns and grenade launchers.

1WO Yeo also emphasised the enhanced protection the Terrex ICV offers to infantry soldiers.

"Infantry forces who trek to their objectives are commonly hit by Artillery fire, but with the Terrex and its closed-hatch design, troops are protected in the Terrex, and this increases their survivability in the field," he explained.

Commending 2 SIR for attaining full operational capability in slightly less than a year since taking delivery of the Terrex, Dr Ng said: "This is a significant achievement in meeting a demanding timeline, while testing and establishing new fighting concepts and tactics."

According to one of 2 SIR's platoon commanders, 2nd Lieutenant (2LT) Muhammad Tarmidzie Bin Mohamad Taha, this impressive feat was achieved through sheer hard work.

He said: "It's been really taxing on us, to be trained in motorisation on top of the fundamental training for all infantry soldiers.

"But we adapted, learnt quickly, and now, I'm very honoured to work on a cool platform like the Terrex, and to be part of the first motorised infantry battalion."

Present at the parade with Dr Ng were Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Defence and National Development Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman, Chief of Defence Force Lieutenant-General Neo Kian Hong, Chief of Army Brigadier-General Ravinder Singh and other senior officers from the SAF.

Army Airborne Insertion Capability

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Airborne Insertion (Parachute) Capability has transfered to Special Forces Command (photo : Aus DoD)

The responsibility for maintaining the Airborne Insertion (Parachute) Capability has transfered from Army Forces Command to Special Operations Command.

The transfer marks a significant milestone in the history of Army’s parachute capability.

The Chief of Army, Lieutenant General David Morrison recognised that the Army has raised, developed and maintained a conventional parachute capability over the past 31 years.

“I acknowledge the fine efforts of all those who have served as part of, and in support of the parachute capability,” Lieutenant General Morrison said.

Initially raised and based on a company in the 6th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (6 RAR) in 1980, the parachute capability was enhanced and the responsibility transferred to the 3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment(3 RAR) in 1983. During its time as a Parachute Battalion, 3 RAR was ably supported by a wide range of units from the 1st and 3rd Brigades, the Parachute Training School and 176th Air Dispatch Squadron.

“I also acknowledge the ongoing support of the Royal Australian Air Force in maintaining the parachute capability.”

“The parachute capability has been important part of the ADF’s contingency force since its inception, and will continue to be into the future. However, times have changed and there is a need to re-balance Army to meet the challenges of the future,” Lieutenant General Morrison said.

“3RAR now faces many new challenges including the move to Townsville, deployment to Afghanistan and playing its part in Army’s future.”

The transfer of the parachute capability to Special Operations Command means that the ADF maintains a robust and flexible entry capability while ensuring that Army is better able to meet the challenges of the future.

DND Wants to Reduce Number of Military Battalions

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Philippines Army (photo : Army Recognition)
MANILA, Philippines - The Department of National Defense (DND) wants to reduce the number of infantry and marine battalions in the next few years as the military moves towards enhancing its territorial defense capability.
The restructuring program would channel resources to priority areas like boosting maritime security and territorial defense to enforce the country’s sovereign rights at the Kalayaan Island Group.
“Our territorial defense needs for this planning period will essentially be met by our forces that are engaged in internal security operations in priority regions and our units in non-priority regions,” the DND said in a planning guidance issued to the military.
Documents obtained by The STAR show that the Army infantry battalions would be reduced to 81 this year from 85 in 2011. The number of active duty battalions would be slashed gradually in the succeeding years until it reaches 54 in 2018.
The number of infantry brigade headquarters would be cut to 27 this year from 31 last year. It would be reduced further in the succeeding years until it reaches 18 in 2015.
On the other hand, the number of infantry divisions would be reduced to nine this year from 10 last year. The number of divisions would be down to six by 2015.
The DND plan, however, seeks to form two battalions for Rapid Deployment Forces by 2015. It also wants to create one infantry battalion for peacekeeping operations this year.
DND said the personnel and equipment from the units to be deactivated would be reapplied to other priorities like filling up the needs of remaining forces.
The marine battalions would also be reduced to 10 this year from 12 last year. Only nine marine battalions would be retained in 2013.
However, a marine battalion would be formed and would undergo retraining this year while another one would be created for peacekeeping tasks next year.
Even the military’s elite forces would be covered by the restructuring plan.
The four active duty combat groups would be reduced to two this year and would be deactivated in 2013.
On the other hand, the Special Operations Combat Support Group would be abolished in 2013. The DND plan, however, called for the creation of a ground-based air defense system group next year.
The DND has asked the military to submit a plan to ensure the smooth implementation of the restructuring program.
The DND planning guidance listed as the top resource priority the improvement of the country’s maritime security and territorial defense capabilities.
The DND also plans to streamline the armed forces’ civil-military operations (CMO) battalions, which conduct development projects in areas of conflict.
The 10 CMO battalions would be reduced gradually until these are abolished in 2017. The Armed Forces’ National Development Support Command, which works with private groups to provide basic services, would be scrapped this year.

Sabah Coastline Safe With Presence of 2,800 Navy Personnel

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Paskal-special forces of Royal Malaysian Navy (photo : Gempurwira)
KOTA KINABALU, (Bernama) -- The presence of 2,800 navy staff from the Royal Malaysian Navy (TLDM) will ensure the safety of the Sabah waters and coastline.
Second Region Navy Commander, Rear Admiral Datuk Pahlawan Mohammad Rosland Omar said based on the strength of the TLDM staff along the waters of Semporna, Sandakan and Tawau has increased the capability of the navy to defend the country from any serious threat.
"Sabah waters is a 'hot area' so we are carrying out operations 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Though we are faced with various predicaments while on duty, we are able to overcome any threats involving illegal immigrants," he said at the TLDM open day at KD Perak here Wednesday.

AFP Ordered to Boost Deployment of Rapid Reaction Forces

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The joint forces would consist of an infantry battalion capable of air mobile operations, a mechanized infantry battalion, a marine battalion capable of amphibious operations, a squadron of tactical helicopters, a squadron of close air support aircraft, a heavy airlift aircraft and a strategic sealift vessel. (photo : John K Chua)

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of National Defense (DND) ordered the military to boost its capability to deploy rapid reaction forces since the mobility of troops has been affected by aging naval and air assets.

In a planning guidance to military officials, the DND said the rapid reaction forces would be used to address contingencies and to move troops on short notice.
“Due to the aging of PN (Philippine Navy) and PAF (Philippine Air Force) lift platforms, the mobility of our forces within the theater of operations is severely affected,” the DND said.

“There is a need to acquire a capability to rapidly move our forces that form part of the national maneuver force,” it added.

Armed Forces resource managers were ordered to collaborate in building a capability to deploy two joint rapid reaction forces to be located strategically in Luzon and Mindanao.

The DND planning guidance, a copy of which was obtained by The STAR, said the forces would address two major contingencies in any part of the country at the same time.

DND said each of the joint forces would consist of an infantry battalion capable of air mobile operations, a mechanized infantry battalion, a marine battalion capable of amphibious operations, a squadron of tactical helicopters, a squadron of close air support aircraft, a heavy airlift aircraft and a strategic sealift vessel.

“In order to establish this capability, joint combat maneuver and supporting forces should have the means to move (like airlift and sealift platforms) on short notice,” the planning guidance read.

The DND has directed military resource managers to acquire medium airlift capability for short haul flights and strategic sealift capability. It also ordered the military to improve its capability to move ground forces within the area of operations.

The limited state funds have hampered the military’s modernization efforts.

Only about half of the patrol ships in the Navy’s inventory are operational and with an average age of more than 30 years old. Some of these vessels are more than 60 years old.
Almost half of the Navy’s transport vessels are non-operational while the operational small crafts are of an average age of about 21 years old.

Last year, the Navy acquired its first Hamilton-class vessel from the US Coast Guard to enhance its external defense capabilities. It also inaugurated the BRP Tagbanua, a landing craft utility that is 100 percent Filipino made.

On the other hand, a 2010 report by the Commission on Audit (COA) said the Air Force “virtually has a non-existent air deterrent capability” due to aging air assets. COA said as of 2010, only 91 of the 339 aircraft in the Air Force inventory are full mission-capable, 81 are inactive and the rest are for disposal.

Early this month, the Air Force inaugurated its four brand-new combat utility helicopters acquired from Polish company PZL Swidnik SA.

Four more combat utility helicopters are scheduled to arrive in November.

Dating your friend’s ex

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Remember John Terry, the English footballer who recently had an affair with Wayne Bridge’s ex-girlfriend (who by the way was his good friend)? Remember how Bridge got his knickers in a twist when he became privy of that, uhm, indiscretion? Remember the ruckus?
The question that this love triangle begets is not even whether footballers really can’t keep their shorts on, but why it’s such a big fuss why a man can’t date his friend’s ex-girlfriend…especially if she looks half as sticking as the woman in question; the devastatingly lovely Vanessa Perroncel?
This saga goes to the heart of the male code, a set of rules passed down generations of men. The rules are many and the good thing is that years might pass, but they are never subjected to a referendum to find out if they still stand.

Although, some of them might be unrealistic and impractical most of these rules are quite solid and useful and men try and live by them because they create order where potential anarchy dwells.
For instance the code states that; you can’t date your friend’s sister – unless you are marrying her! Neither can you date your grilfriend’s friend. Or stand up and walk away before the round of beer throwing has done a full circle.
Or snitch on your friend regardless of your moral obligation or Christian affiliation. Or watch the honour of your woman being tramped, even if she is on the wrong. And so this John Terry saga ideally violates this code.
Question is, when is it permissible to date your friend’s ex-girlfriend? Is it after your friend has started dating someone else and he looks adequately smitten with the new find? Does a man wait for six months?
Or do you wait for him to choke on a fish bone, save his life then date his ex because now he owes you with his life? But what does the woman in question feel about it? Does she even care? Is that likely to affect your relationship with her?
More pertinent, perhaps, is the definition of friendship.
“If I drink beer with him every week, then I don’t think it would be proper for him to date my ex-woman because even though I’m over her, I feel like the three of us will always be caught in uncomfortable situations.” Says 35-year-old Hakim.
But he quickly adds that if the man in question is someone who he merely works with and occasionally catches up with over lunch or bumps into in the elevators, then its fair game.
Ronald, 33, doesn’t quite see what the fuss is all about.
“They have broken up. I think it’s a bit immature for my friend to feel bad about it if I started dating his ex, it’s even selfish and dog-in-a-manger-ish. I mean, doesn’t everyone have a chance to happiness, or should we all be miserable and alone because you will feel sore that now I’m dating your ex?
I she not allowed to move on or is the problem the fact that the person she chooses to move on with is your friend?”
But for some men like Paul, 35, it’s not even a question of whether it’s proper or not, it’s a question of ego and vanity. “What does that say about you as a man, going around playing on the worn field that your friend has played on?

Isn’t that like picking the remaining meat from his left-over bones? I think it’s mighty un-classy for a man to do that, I wouldn’t do it because it would make me seem inferior in the eyes of my friend and all those around us.
Of course, the aggrieved party would be forgiven for thinking something fishy was going on all along between the two.” Paul thinks it’s demeaning and unworthy of a man to stoop that low.
Whereas most of the men I interviewed didn’t quite see it as an issue to date their friend’s exes as long as “they talked about it before hand”, 90 per cent of the women categorically said they would never date their girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend.
Loyalty was cited as the major factor. “I would never ever consider it,” says Paula, a 29-year-old management consultant. The curious thing here is that she sees nothing wrong with dating her ex-boyfriend’s friend which some people would call double standards.
She defends it; “Simply because men can handle such things, I think that when a man leaves a woman, for the most part, he is done with her and so his friend dating me shouldn’t present a problem…I think.”
Jen, 30, says she would feel like a piece of property if she dated two men who happened to be friends.
“I would feel like they are passing me around. The most sensible thing to do would be to date outside that circle because chances are the problems you faced with one guy are likely to come out in his friend as well.”
But John Terry’s case is a bit different when you think about it. He didn’t only date the friend’s ex after they had broken up, he sort of swooped down on her not too long after they had broken up.
He took advantage of their break-up and started presenting overtures even before Wayne Bridge had collected his toothbrush from her apartment.
That presents a different facet to this scenario, that there is a good chance that he had been lusting over his friend’s woman even as they were still together.
“And what is wrong with that? I think every guy has always looked at his friend’s wife or girlfriend in a way that is not biblical,” Jeremy*, 36 and married says, “It’s a guy thing and it only gets disrespectful when you start acting on your thoughts.”
Or, he means, if your friend catches you staring at her bum as she pours you juice…disrespectful and very embarrassing, I suppose. Jeremy doesn’t seem to have mastered his 10 commandments from the good book, or he chooses to ignore the tenth one that states clearly that thou shall not covet – among other things – your neighbour’s ass.
(I’m using the word ass here as a pun, but indeed the bible clearly uses the word ass in reference to donkey. I don’t think the church will make noise over this)
But men generally subscribe to the code that your friend’s wife or girlfriend is a definite no-no, unless you want to kill your friendship. Terry, the naughty footballer, kicked out that cardinal code.
He went behind his friend and pounced on his ex-girlfriend (not that she complained) and therein lay the deception, and not necessarily because of the fact that he dated his friend’s ex girlfriend.

Ray says, “I wouldn’t date my friend’s woman because it’s foolish, if anything, half the time I would be privy to information about her that my friend might have shared with me, things that I probably don’t want to inherit from him.
And secondly, there are no guarantees that the relationship will work, I think I would bet more on me and my friend being friends for much longer than I would with his ex-girlfriend.”
Sam, 32, said it would all depend on longevity. “If my friend had a short fling with her then I don’t see why I wouldn’t date her, I don’t think it’s bad to date a woman who only went out with my friend for a few months, which is not an adequate time for anything solid and binding to form!” he then adds, “but it also depends on why they broke up.
If it was because she was a control freak, or a cheat, or a woman with a mouth on her, I wouldn’t touch her!”
Some men preferred to put it in a blunt and simple way.
Conrad, over a Facebook chat interview said, “Look, it’s a lose-lose situation to do something like that, so why date her? I think what Terry should have done is to sleep with her once or twice and walk away. That way, nobody is hurt.”
But Conrad’s virulent testosterone aside, the undeniable truth about stuff like this is that couples might walk away from relationships for one reason or another and the break-up might even look final and irredeemable, but in some cases, it’s never really over until the fat lady has sung – and we all know the fat lady sometimes likes to take her time.
While women handle break-ups by doing hurtful stuff that range from torching the man’s suits, stalking him to gathering all her girlfriends for a night of tears, wine and inspirational you-deserve-better-than-that-jerk talk, men handle break-ups differently; by being macho.
They perch on tall bar stools, thump their chests like baboons and tell their friends “It’s good riddance anyway. My life is better without her; I just noticed that I sleep better now.” No man will ever admit that they are hurting.
Hurting? What’s that!? In fact no man ever sits with his pals to do a post-mortem because it’s weak and momentously embarrassing. Everybody tries to be superman. Nobody wants to come across as being fickle because there is never any room for the weak in Manville.
The weak drink Amarula. The weak wear skirts, roll over and die. And so with this phoney and elaborate deception, it gets harder to certify how deep the cut of a break-up really goes, and consequently, it becomes tricky for any man to start dating his friend’s ex because – as sure as politicians will always find something to disagree about – someone is always silently and secretly leaving the torch burning.
Someone is always hoping the phone will ring and the voice at the other end will be saying they haven’t been able to sleep since the break-up (or something equally ridiculous) and that they will want a second shot.
What happens then if you had already moved on with their close friend? And what happens when there’s a baby in the mix- like in the case of Wayne and Vanessa?

Homosexuality ‘ungodly’? So what!

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Oscars 2010: The 82nd Academy Awards by k763.
'The priests of the different religious sects dread the advance of science as witches do the approach of daylight.' Thomas Jefferson[i]
A suspected gay man is rescued from Christian and Muslim criminals.
Fundamentalism refers to a belief in a strict adherence to a set of basic principles (often religious in nature), sometimes as a reaction to perceived doctrinal compromises with modern social and political life. Fundamentalism is a multifaceted phenomenon and one of these many phenomenal is religious fundamentalism.

How can one identify a religious fundamentalist? Herriot (2008)[ii] has the answers:
1. They are reactive: Fundamentalists believe that their religion is under mortal threat from the secularism of the modern world … they have an enemy.
2. Dualist: They conceive of the world in binary opposites, God and the Devil, good and evil, etc. Such thinking aids the task of resistance, for it justifies development of an in-group versus out-group social dynamic and all that follows from such dynamics.
3. Fundamentalists believe that their book, through its interpreters or read directly, has supreme authority over what to believe and how to act.
4. Fundamentalist interpretation of the holy book is selective. They choose specific ideas from it and emphasise them, often changing their traditional meaning when they do so.
5. They hold a millennialist view of history, expecting God to fully establish his rule over the world at some future time. They believe they can hasten the arrival of this glorious event by fighting, literally or spiritually, on God’s behalf.
Religious fundamentalism has permeated the vast depths of modern Kenya by infiltrating our education, penal and health systems. It’s a cancer that is eating into our great nation. It’s the source of all forms of irrationalities, misery and social decay that bedevil our country. It fosters criminal activities by coating them with spirituality and messages of madness.
Earlier in the year, we witnessed Muslim and Christian adherents attacking anyone who 'appeared gay'. I don’t know what tests they did to ascertain who is gay and who is not, but it raised serious questions about where the line is between criminality and religious acts. In the same period, we witnessed 'religious leaders' and their followers rejecting the proposed constitution because it didn’t criminalise abortion for any reason.
And what were the reasons for all these? These actions are ungodly and unbiblical. The few people who had the cojones to counter these allegations swallowed the bait and the argument degenerated into something like 'God created us in unique ways and loves us all'. I will not fall for the same nonsense. My question is, so what if some act is ungodly? So what? So what if homosexuality is ungodly? So?
My second question is, why can’t God torment homosexuals and other unholy broods without 'using' these clowns? From the many characteristics that God possesses – he knows it all and is everywhere – you would expect all homosexuals to be wiped out in a fraction of a second. Is he running some other errands or did he forget to put on the alarm? Well, let’s look at what the bible 'says' with regard to exterminating homosexuals.
'Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them." Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him and said, "No, my friends. Don't do this wicked thing. Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don't do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof."'
Well apart from knowing Lot was a homophobic bloke the bible tells a lot about what God’s chosen few thought of women and their role in their society. But the insanities did not end there. The angels blinded the gay men in that village and later on God poured burning lava on the village. While escaping the wrath of God, Lot’s wife looked back (contrary to God’s orders) and was turned into a pillar of cooking salt.
The habit of taking these delusions seriously is that they paralyse otherwise rational people in our community. Take a look at this statement: 'When a man mounts another man, the throne of God shakes' and the response you get from the human rights activist is: 'Oh it’s a lie, God loves us all'. But, let's for once agree that the throne of God shakes every time two men spoon. So what? What if it shakes? What does that have to do with humans? How can a god (capable of impregnating virgins and turning walking sticks into snakes) do such a shoddy job? If he created the entire universe, then how come he can’t create a throne that doesn’t shake whenever there is same-sex action? And, if the homosexual community will burn in hell, why torment them here on earth? Isn’t eternal damnation enough punishment?
Another thing: Why do religious people pretend to have superior insight into issues such as abortion, homosexuality and sex changes? What facts do these people use to oppose or propose ideas or acts? Do they carry out research studies to correlate homosexuality and volcanic eruptions? How did they come to know that Haiti experienced an earthquake because of the sins of Haitians and not as a result of tectonic shift? And for those prophets of dooms lying that Kenya will be hit an earthquake very soon unless we repent, could they produce tangible evidence to support their claims. Or is it not just a case of some people pretending to be God’s spokespersons?
Another issue that mystifies me is the problem of violence against sexual minorities and pro-choice activists meted out by religious people. How is violence going to stop people from engaging in same-sex activities? How is looting their property supposed to change people’s sexual orientation? Our minister of security should be sacked for sloppy work. The police have overwhelming evidence pointing at particular individuals culpable of the violence and looting of property that was witnessed in Kenya in the name of getting rid of homosexuality, yet they can’t arrest them. They arrested the survivors of those horrendous acts, leaving the culprits in our streets together with children. This also reminds me of the zeal our National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) has in apprehending those found to be breaking the noise regulation law – i.e., matatu operators – but they don’t do the same for preachers and prophetesses tearing our eardrums and showering us with saliva along our streets. Is it that these people are scared of God’s wrath or is it they are too devoted? Put these criminals behind bars. Is it perfectly legitimate to hack someone to death because of their sexual orientation but wrong if committed because of somebody’s tribe? Look at a blunder our president did, assuring a congregation of Catholics that his government would not legalise abortion. Why does he think the presidency has an obligation to appease the Christian community in Kenya? Why not say the same thing to a congregation of gardeners or mechanics or medical students? Why the church?
The problem with our society is that we grant religious people and beliefs privileged respect. Whenever I throw some missionary preachers out of my house together with their holy books and religious leaflets, they fight back claiming they have freedom of worship. No, I recognise that freedom but it doesn’t grant them the right to invade my privacy. Worship whatever you want including invisible and imaginary beings, maize cobs, pieces of wood and livestock but stop shoving your religious beliefs down other people’s throats. Dawkins (2006)[iii] comments that 'A widespread assumption, which nearly everybody in our society accepts – the non-religious included – is that religious faith is especially vulnerable to offence and should be protected by an abnormally thick wall of respect, in a different class from the respect that any human being should pay to any other'.
If your powerful god is to something worth talking about, he/she/it should be in a position to send emails to people engaging in same-sex acts warning them of dire consequences. This sounds much better than playing around with tect
onic plates resulting into devastating earthquakes.

What AIDS Leaves Behind: A Heavy Burden on African Women

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other diseases in Africa (malaria, tuberculosis, intestinal worms,
etc.), which mainly affect the young and the old, HIV/AIDS takes its
toll on prime-age adults during the most productive years of their
lives. The death of an adult family member can have large consequences
for the surviving family. Given prevailing social norms in many African
societies, the burden may likely be heaviest for women.
Most studies focus on the consequences for orphaned children – their schooling and health. We know less about how older adults are impacted.  In our study,
we track individuals and their households in northwest Tanzania, an
area of high HIV prevalence in the 1990s, over a 13-year period.
We find that, when a family member dies, women (even old women) end
up working more on the farm; men do too, but not as much.  Having an
asset such as goats enables them to work less.
But elderly individuals’ health is generally no worse off after the
deaths of their prime-age relatives. Surprisingly, if an adult child
living outside the home dies, his/her parents’ health or workload do
not suffer . It appears then that support from adult children is either
replaced by other family members or the support is much lower than is
currently speculated.

These findings suggest that policies like old-age assistance
programs should take into account the long-term effects of losing an
adult family member, particularly for elderly women, who seem to be
compensating for much of the lost income in the household.

Face Care For Dark Skin

Every woman has a skin color and different skin conditions. Therefore, care is also taken to be different. Caucasian women in eastern Indonesia would be different from women living in the western part of Indonesia.
Women living in Bali, Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, to Papua, tend to have tan skin and tend to black. This is caused by natural factors (weather), skin type, diet, and genetic factors.
"Those who live in eastern Indonesia have an average skin pigment dense and oily as active oil gland activity,'' said Dr Iswari Tranggono, cosmetology expert and dermatologist from Ristra when describing the" Cosmeceutical for Ethnic Skin In The Tropic "for medical students of University of Science and Technology Sudan who visit the Grand House Ristra, Radio Dalam, Wednesday (17/2/2010).
Women with dark skin conditions are not too susceptible to sunlight. For example, being attacked or reddish spots. However, if not treated, so it's still oily skin and look dull.
To that end, there should be special treatment for those with darker skin that is prone.
1. Wash your face at least twice a day. Use soap cleanser with a pH balance (pH 7, RED).
2. If the skin is very oily, use a soap for oily face wash and toner brush afterwards.
3. Use SPF 15 sunblock when you go outdoors. Even though your skin is black, it is not possible burn your skin, while the sun in eastern Indonesia tend to be more fierce than western Indonesia.
4. Use a face scrub once a week to remove fat deposits on the skin that causes the skin to become dull.
5. Do not use creams with bleaching effect, but which contain a formula for skin lightening.
6. Black leather has a high elasticity because the oil glands are active, but often stricken with acne. One reason for using cosmetics that causes the face to become more oily. For dark skin types, use a water-based face cream that is not greasy and quickly absorbed in the skin.
7. Use green tea facial mask once a week to provide a cooling effect on the face, and prevent premature aging.
8. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to avoid the loss of fluid in the body that makes the skin prone to premature aging.

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It is commonly know that teaching and testing are two inseparable things,   teaching speaking is a process of presenting or introducing learning material for certain instruction objective. In other to know whether the instruction objective can be achieved by the student or not, we need to test them in other words, testing a process of measuring how far and how well the instruction have been mastered by the students.
Language test can be classified based on the domain of testing whether it is writing, reading, listening, and speaking. In this part of discussion I want to review oral production test that is test for speaking there are five component to be judged :
1.      Pronunciation
2.      Grammar
3.      Vocabulary
4.      Fluency
5.      Comprehention
Looking at the five component of oral production test we might be on the same saying that testing speaking is very complex. It is reasonable because we judge the entire of components at the same time.
Most test of oral production fall into of following categories :
1.      Relatively unstructured interview, rated on s carefully constructed scale.
2.      Highly structured speech sample ( generally recorded ), rated according to very specific evidence of speaking ability.
3.      Paper and pencil objective test of pronunciation, presumably providing indirect evidence of speaking ability.
                                                                                  ( David P. Harris,1969:83 ) 
            The most commonly test in measuring speaking nowadays use interview technique. The teacher should create to allow the testes relax in a friendship atmosphere. The testes could use their evaluation of his competence in the spoken language. It must be ( 1 ) a set qualities to related and ( 2 ) a series of possible ratings.
            The simplest and most frequently employed of measuring oral proficiency is to have one or more trained rates interviews each candidate separately and record their evaluation of his competence in the spoken language.

Acyclovir Pharmacology and Indication

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Acyclovir Pharmacology and Indication - Acyclovir is acyclic purine nucleoside analogue active against herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster, Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus. In the cell, undergo phosphorylation acyclovir acyclovir triphosphate into an active form that inhibit the herpes simplex virus DNA polymerase and viral DNA replication, thereby preventing viral DNA synthesis without affecting normal cell processes.

Acyclovir Pharmacology
Acyclovir is an antiviral agent highly active in vitro against herpes simplex virus (HSV) types I and II, and varicella zoster virus. Upon entry into the infected cell, the phosphorylated form of the active compound Acyclovir Acyclovir trifosfate. The initial phase of the process depends on the enzyme thymidine kinase viral-coded. Acyclovir trifosfate act as inhibitors and as a false substrate for the herpes-specified DNA polymerase which prevents viral DNA synthesis without affecting normal cellular processes.

Treatment of herpes simplex virus infections of the skin and mucous membranes including initial and recurrent genital herpes / recurrent, herpes zoster (shingles / shingles / shingles). Preventing recurrence of herpes simplex infections in patients with strong immune systems. Preventing herpes simplex infection in patients with poor immune systems.

Another acyclovir pharmacology is a treatment of herpes simplex virus infections of the skin and mucous membranes including initial and recurrent genital herpes / recurrent, herpes zoster (shingles / shingles / shingles); preventing recurrence of herpes simplex infections in patients with strong immune systems; preventing herpes simplex infection in patients with poor immune systems.

Acyclovir Indication
Acyclovir indication such as treatment of herpes simplex virus on the skin and mucus membranes, including initial and recurrent genital herpes; treatment of herpes zoster and varicella infections; treatment of infections caused by the herpes simplex of the skin and mucous membranes including initial and recurrent genital herpes, herpes simplex infection prevention in immuno-compromised patients; treatment of herpes zoster infection.

Recent discoveries that would forever Theories of Modern Physics

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Not so long ago, precisely on 5 June, a news
Great science comes from a physics conference "Neutrino 98" a
takes place in Japan. Neutrinos, elementary particles that one is much more
smaller than the electron, it has mass, according to a report from the
an international team joined in the experiment

Super-Kamiokande. Team of physicists that consists of approximately 120 people from
many countries including the U.S., Japan, Germany, and Poland is
doing research on data collected during the year by
an underground neutrino research laboratory in Japan.
If the report proves true and can be confirmed again by the team
more, it will bring a very broad impact on several
theoretical physics, especially the discussion of the interactions of elementary particles, theory
than the origin of the universe as well as the problem of mass loss
(Missing mass problem) and the theory of solar neutrinos.
Neutrinos, or neutron small, is a name given by
physicist and Nobel laureate known from Germany: Wolfgang Pauli.
Neutrinos are particles attracted the attention of physicists
because of mystique. Neutrinos also one of the buildings
basic than the universe together with the electron, muon, and
tau, is included in a class of particles called leptons. Lepton
together with six types of quark particles are forming the basis of all
objects in the universe.
Discovered experimentally in 1956 (in the form of anti-
particles) by Fred Reines (Nobel physics winner in 1995) and Clyde
Cowan, consists of three neutrino flavors (flavor), namely: the electron neutrino,
mu neutrinos and tau neutrinos. Neutrinos have no electric charge and
has been deemed to have no weight, but neutrino has
antineutrino antiparticles called. These particles are unique due
very reluctant to interact. As a result, neutrinos
can easily pass through anything, including our earth, and very difficult to
Estimated neutrino in large quantities regardless of the reaction
core of our sun, and thus expected to be detected in
laboratories on Earth. To reduce the influence of the distortion of light
cosmic neutrino detectors need to be placed underground. Using the
water tank as much as 50 thousand tons and is equipped with a phototube
(Photomultiplier tube) as many as 13 thousand pieces, Kamiokande team found
that neutrinos can oscillate or change flavors. Because it can
it was concluded that the oscillating neutrinos actually have mass.
This discovery is controversial because theoretical physics during this
often seen as the basic theory of interacting particles, which is called
standard model theory, predicts that neutrinos had no
massless. If the discovery of neutrino mass proved to be true then it probably will
make the standard model theory should be corrected.
The discovery of neutrino mass is also disturbing other areas of physics that
cosmology. This discovery could be expected to resolve the problems of loss
mass in our universe (the missing mass problem). It has been a long time
the physicists always been haunted by the question: Why is there
differences in theory and observations of the universe's mass? If heavier than
the stars, planets, along with other natural objects
add up all the results turned out to be still lighter than the heavy
the entire universe.
The physicists assume that the masses are missing or not
look. So far, these experts theorize that there is a particle
unique difference that causes mass in the universe. But the theory
This kind of weakness due to the unique particle theorized
has never been found.
From the findings it can be concluded Kamiokande team that turns
unique particles other than neutrinos are not massless.
According to the big bang theory (Big Bang) our universe began
from a point in the incredible heat that exploded and continues to expand
to date. Physicists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson (both
later won the Nobel physics prize in 1978) in 1965
discovered the remains of the big bang relic microwave current
has cooled to a temperature of about 3 Kelvin. But one of the things that
still debated expansion of the universe is matter itself.
Will this continue to happen without end? The discovery of neutrino
mass is expected to be able to answer this difficult question.
Imagine a completely neutrinos massless, as
expected during this time. The force of gravity would not affect
at all the particles have no weight. But what
occur if neutrinos actually has weight? In a number of profound
a lot of these neutrinos would be able to affect the expansion of the
universe. It seems there is possibility of expansion of the universe one day
will stop and the contraction or shrinking back if it turns out
neutrinos have mass.
Recently there was one more problem of physics to be disturbed by the results
This discovery is the solar neutrino problem, where there is difference
the number of calculations and observations of neutrinos produced by the sun
For the validity of the present invention an international team of super experiments
Kamiokande in its report also invite other teams of scientists to
confirm their findings. But according to past experience,
reports of neutrino oscillations and neutrino mass is always controversy and
rarely can be confirmed again.
For the moment the experts have to wait for experiments
Such can only be done by only a handful of experiments in
around the world. To be sure if the invention was later proved
true then obviously the impact will be felt on several theories of physics

Related links: new discoveries


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by Sir John Suckling

1. THERE never yet was honest man That ever drove the trade of love ; It is impossible, nor can Integrity our ends promove ; For kings and lovers are alike in this, That their chief art in reign dissembling is.

2. Here we are lov'd, and there we love ; Good nature now and passion strive Which of the two should be above, And laws unto the other give. So we false fire with art sometimes discover, And the true fire with the same art do cover.

3. What rack can fancy find so high ? Here we must court, and here engage, Though in the other place we die. O, 'tis torture all, and cosenage ! And which the harder is I cannot tell, To hide true love, or make false love look well.

4. Since it is thus, god of desire, Give me thy honesty again, And take thy brands back, and thy fire ; I'm weary of the state I'm in : Since (if the very best should now befall) Love's triumph must be Honour's funeral.

a mother's love

Once upon a time in a village, there is a mother who is elderly, lives alone with her only child
Her husband had died long ago due to illness
The mothers often feel sad thinking about her only child.
Her son has a very bad character is like stealing, gambling, cock pit and more
The mother cries lamenting the unfortunate fate, but he often prayed to God: "God help my consciousness that I love, so that sin no longer
I'm old and want to see him repent before I die "
But the longer the child is getting late with his evil deeds, he is very often out of jail for a crime he did
One day he returns home to steal the villagers, however unfortunate he got caught
Then he was brought before the king for prosecution and sentenced to beheading
announcement was announced to the whole village, the sentence will be carried out the next day
in front of the people of the village, and just as the bell rang signifying six o'clock
News reached the ears of the sentence was the mother wept bewailing her beloved kneel and pray to God, "Lord have mercy on the servant boy, let this old servant who bore his sins"
With trudged wearily he went to the king and begged his release
But the decision was made, he was suspended anakknya
With a shattered heart, the mother returned home not cease praying for his son pardoned him, and finally he fell asleep from exhaustion, and in his dream he met with God
The next day, the appointed place, the people berbondong2 sentence manyaksikan The executioner was ready to pancungnya and the child was resigned to his fate
Pictured at her elderly mother's face, and he cried unnoticed Seconds regretted that awaited finally arrived
Until the appointed time arrived, the bell has not yet tolled been five minutes and began noisy atmosphere, eventually attendant on duty to ring the bell to come
He claimed to be surprised because it has been since last he pulled the bell rope but no sound dentangnya
When they were all confused, tiba2 of the bell rope that blood flow Blood was coming from the spot where the bell was fastened
With all the people waiting for heart berdebar2 when some people rise to the top of the source of blood
Do you know what happened?
Apparently in the bell-old mother's body found with head crushed bloodstained
he embraced the pendulum in the bell that causes the bell does not ring,
and instead, hit his head on the wall of the bell
All people who witnessed the incident down and shed tears
While the child is wailing howl hug her mother's body revealed
Always blamed herself for her mother's distress turns out the night before the mother with difficulty climbing up and bind herself hugging bell iron bell to avoid punishment beheading children
That is very obvious love of a mother For her matter how evil the child, she still loves with all her life.
Let us love our parents while we are each capable of
because they are the source of God's love for us in this world
Something to be an afterthought for us to ..
So that we always love something valuable that ida k t can be assessed with any
There is a story living in us that speaks of our place in the world
It is a story that invites us to love what we love and simply be ourselves
Take time to think, it is a source of strength
Take time to play, it is the secret of eternal youth
Take time to pray, it is a source of tranquility
Take time to learn, it is a source of wisdom
Take time to love and be loved, it is a God-given privilege
Take time for friends, it is the road to happiness
Take time to laugh, it is thrilling music
Take time to give, it makes life meaningful
Take time to work, it is the value of success
Use time as possible, because the time will not be played back

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Poetry Gus Mus

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painting: A Mustofa Bisri
welcome to country ass!
land of a million dome buttocks
land developers civilization bongkong
establishment butt shakers
importing country in the world's biggest toilet
country that never quite
with seats available
because in the land of butt
butt is the top priority
the country buttocks
people fighting fighting butt
or places buttocks
welcome to country ass!
land of a million dome buttocks
land developers civilization bongkong
establishment butt shakers
country with a philosophy of life butt
where the buttocks should be prioritized
and advance neglected in favor
because it is in the country buttocks
although ktp and passports must also exist pasfotonya
but not the head and face to be visible
photographs of the country appeared to be butt ass
in the land of butt
ass is the epitome of country
that must be respected
in the land of butt
everything should be ignored
origin buttocks upheld
in the land of butt
iq eq not not also not
sq the size
but aq, ass quotient
welcome to country buttocks
cultured country buttocks
led by the butt-butt
country where the butt worshiped
in the mosque at the temple and the church
diwiridkan in sacred places
and luxurious building parliament
you say
place behind the buttocks
because you
do not know the joy of ass jiggling
try to follow
nation's buttocks
and its leaders
dhikr and sway
and feel!
butt butt butt butt butt ...

 related links : gus mus

Blessed necklace

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One day, a fakir came to the Prophet's Mosque. There, the prophet of Allah was sitting with his friends. He and his friends did not have any to give him. Therefore the prophet says: "Go to the house of Fatima Azzahra (my daughter)."

So the man went home knocked Fatima Azzahra. Fatima opened the door, and asked what the need.

Azzahra Fatima did not have anything at the time, except for the necklace she wore around her neck. He also gave the necklace.

The poor man took it, and went away and prayed for him.

On the road, Ammar bin Yasir met the man's premises. He knew that the necklace belonged to the prophet's daughter Fatima Azzahra. Ammar ibn Yasir bought the necklace and give enough money for the purposes of the poor. Then Ammar ordered his slaves to deliver the necklace to Fatima Azzahra in return he would be released.

Arriving home Azzahra Fatima, the slave said: "It is blessed necklace. Him a poor man be satisfied and their needs are met, and therefore also a freed slave, and the necklace was returned to its owner. "

[of the history]

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Philosophy in Life A Muslim Prayer

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Explicitly, we realize that Allah is the Lord of everything. However, implicitly, often contradictory attitudes and behaviors behind. We underestimate the fact that by neglecting to pray, ask God. Think of it does not really matter. Not really take the time to pray.Even sometimes, even in difficult circumstances we only needed prayer. We also did not show faith pray hard to learn.
This is actually the form of pride which we buried in our subconscious (unconsciousness). Certainly never conceived in us to emulate let alone challenge the authority of God. However, by never asking, by simply requesting necessary, by not asking for help, we actually showed a hostile attitude. Not trying to reprove sapa Allah, the Almighty.
Our prayers had been answered or not, to be considered are the following.First, God is omniscient over all the affairs of the foregoing, the present and the future. God also knows best what is best and worst for us. Allah knows best what is visible and hidden to us. God knows better than ourselves. "Verily, Allah is aware of all things," the word of God who are scattered in several letters in the Qur `an.
Secondly, therefore, we must strengthen husnuzhan attitude to God about the results of our prayers. Granted or not granted, God is omniscient is best for us. Here, we have to control the passions to not follow 100 percent feeling that we know what is best for ourselves.
Third, we request the granting of a thing could apply in this world and in the hereafter. Perhaps, our prayers are not answered in the world, but was replaced by Allah in the hereafter if we have prayer with sincerity.
Fourth, a measure to determine whether our prayers are answered or not remains the power of God. However, we should still pray to Him without end. Our view of our own affairs may be wrong, may be right. It is relative. Instead, God's knowledge of us is absolutely correct.Consider the following paragraph.
"Perhaps you hate something, but he was very good to you, and may be (too) ye dislike a thing, and he is very bad for you; Allah knows, while you know not." (Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: 216)
Thus the explanation given by Ibn Komarudin Mikam in his book "Prayers Increasing Your Career". QultumMedia publications provide a means for us to say a prayer to God is good and right. Not forgetting, of course, also to be granted so that all the hunger and needs implemented immediately.

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Communication Success

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Helen Keller once wrote: “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.” As we navigate through challenging times toward a better future, it’s useful to visit some tried and true ideas regarding life hardiness and resiliency. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, but rather a reminder of some existential ideas we sometimes set aside as we tend to the hectic details of daily life. If you find this article helpful, share it with those whom you care about who are in need. There's power in good will reverberated.

1.    The Power of Perspective

Life is not always easy. We all know that. How we choose the way we think, feel, and act in relation to life’s challenges can often make the difference between hope versus despair, optimism versus frustration, and victory versus defeat. With every challenging situation we encounter, ask questions such as “What is the lesson here?”, “How can I learn from this experience?”, “What is most important now?”, and “If I think outside the box, what are some better answers?” The higher the quality of questions we ask, the better the quality of answers we will receive. By asking constructive questions based on learning and priorities, we can gain the proper perspective to help us tackle the situation at hand.

“I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.”

- Thomas A. Edison

2.    Focus on the Sky not the Mud

We should learn from the past, but not be stuck in it. Sometimes life circumstances and personal setbacks can haunt and prevent us from seeing our true potential and recognizing new opportunities. What has already happened we cannot change, but what is yet to happen we can shape and influence. At times the first step is simply to break from the past and declare that it is you, not your history, who’s in charge. Ask empowering questions such as “What matters to me now?”, “How can I make a difference in this situation?”, and “What’s the next step for my best interest and well-being?” Every moment we’re alive we can make new choices that help us move on and step toward a better future. If we pay attention to only mud on the ground after a storm, we won’t notice that the sky above us has already cleared. Goethe reminds us: “Nothing is worth more than this day.” Don’t focus on the mud. Make better choices today and move on.

For more information on how to eliminate your negative emotions and develop a positive attitude, see my article Five Keys to Enhancing Your Emotional Intelligence.

3.    Ask the Right Individuals

In life we sometimes may feel like we’re walking alone, but we don’t have to be as long as we’re honest with ourselves, and ask for help when needed. You can find strength and support through a “board of advisors” you create. These are your “go-to” people when you’re in need of sound advice, a new perspective, a certain expertise, or simply an empathetic ear. Members of the board can include individuals you know whose opinions you respect and character you trust. Your personal B.O.A. can also include your role models from past and present, historical or fictional. Ask, for example: “What would (role model A) say about my situation?”, or “What would (role model B) do if she were in my shoes?” Asking for help is not the same as complaining. Habitual complainers dwell on what’s wrong. Successful people assume responsibility for finding the support they need to solve the problem.

For tips on strengthening relationships, see my articles 7 Keys to Long-Term Relationship Success, and Poor Communicators: Stop Harm & Save Relationships.

“Normal people have problems. The smart ones get help.”

- Daniel Amen

4.    Thrive on Your Strengths While Exploring Your True Potential

We each have certain dispositions in which we naturally excel. Some of us are great with people, others are handy with tools, yet others thrive on information. A mismatch between what you’re naturally good at and your work in life is wasted potential. There are a myriad of assessment tools available that can help you determine your natural strengths, as well as your areas of greatest potential. For more information regarding this point, see my article Follow Your Bliss - Discover Your True Calling in Life.

“When you follow your bliss… doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors, and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else.”

- Joseph Campbell

5.    Keep Having Fun

Van Wilder from the movie with the same name said: “You shouldn’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out alive.” No matter how difficult the circumstances, resolve to keep the fun and enjoyment in your life. Make a point to take a “mini-vacation” everyday; be it walking in the park, exercising, hugging a loved one, or taking a nice, hot bath. The more challenging and stressful life is, the more important it is to take good care of yourself so you can relax your body, ease your mind, and rejuvenate your spirit. After recharging your batteries, you may see the same situation in a different, more positive light.

6.    Keep Your Options Open

There are many paths to opportunity, success, and happiness. We can begin by asking ourselves what true success and happiness means and looks like to us, and let our answers show the way. When one path seems to be at a dead end, look another way and see what new openings may be waiting just around the corner. Options can come from consulting the aforementioned board of advisors, thinking outside the box, daring to dream, doing something different, or simply letting go of a habit or condition that has clearly outlived its usefulness. We’re never stuck unless we have blinders on. Keep your options open.

“We must dare to think 'unthinkable' thoughts. We must learn to explore all the options and possibilities that confront us in a complex and rapidly changing world.”

- James W. Fulbright

7.    Keep the Faith

There are many ways to keep your faith alive: Faith in yourself, faith in your place in this world, and faith in answers the Universe has in store for you. Go to places and engage in activities that give you the greatest feeling of inner peace. When you give yourself this gift on a regular basis, what psychologists call the Higher Self emerges, as insights, inspiration, and a sense of deep knowing spring forth from the depth of your soul.

The following quote by Anne Frank is just one example: “The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely, or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature, and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.”

As you immerse yourself in peace, ask: “What if what I’m going through is a blessing in disguise? What greater meaning exists for me now?” Put forth these and any other constructive questions that come straight from your heart. Don’t try to figure out the answers during these moments, but rather “empty your mind” and let the solutions come to you. The answers may come at that moment or later: sometimes when the time is right; sometimes when you least expect them. All you have to do is hold the questions and pay attention.

Keep the faith. Find your peace within, and the answers will come!

8.    Resolve to Never, Ever Give Up
I once heard a courageous person say that there are no losers in life, except for those who give up on themselves. If you’re still alive and breathing, your purpose in this life time is not yet fulfilled. The great adventure is in discovering what that purpose is, and to live it until your last breath. If you’re reading this article, you’re probably being pulled by an inner calling to do more. That calling is your adventure waiting to happen. What are you waiting for? And what are you willing to do now?

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